Picture of Manish Gupta

Manish Gupta

Founder/CEO Webb.ai

Beyond Basic Checks: Advanced Troubleshooting Techniques for AWS ELB

Is your AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) acting up? Are you facing problems with AWS ELB performance like we explored in this quiz. Don’t settle for surface-level fixes! This guide dives deep into advanced troubleshooting techniques used by battle-hardened SREs to keep your applications running smoothly.

Greetings, fellow AWS warriors! We’ve all been there – a notification pops up indicating an issue with your ELB.  While basic checks are a good first step, complex scenarios demand a more nuanced approach. Here, we’ll delve into advanced troubleshooting techniques to diagnose and resolve those pesky ELB issues efficiently.

Become an ELB Troubleshooting Master

We’ll explore a toolbox of strategies to pinpoint the root cause of ELB troubles and ensure your applications remain highly available:

  1. Unleash the Power of CloudWatch Logs:

CloudWatch logs are your treasure trove for understanding ELB activity.  Filter logs based on specific timestamps or events to identify potential issues. Here’s an example command using the AWS CLI to filter ELB access logs for the last hour:

aws elbv2 logs describe-load-balancer-access-logs --load-balancer-name my-elb --start-time 2024-04-08T15:00:00Z --end-time 2024-04-08T16:00:00Z

This command retrieves access logs for your ELB named “my-elb” between 3PM and 4PM PST on April 8th, 2024. Analyze these logs for errors related to unhealthy target instances, connection timeouts, or spikes in traffic.

  1. Investigate Target Group Health Checks:

ELB relies on health checks to monitor the health of registered target instances. Utilize the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI to delve into the details of your target group health checks. Here’s an example AWS CLI command to describe the health checks for a specific target group:

aws elbv2 describe-target-groups --names my-target-group

This command retrieves information about the target group named “my-target-group,” including details about the configured health checks.  Ensure your health checks are functioning correctly and configured to match the health signals emitted by your target instances.

  1. Leverage Network Load Balancers (NLBs) for Deeper Inspection:

For applications requiring deeper packet inspection or custom routing logic, consider using Network Load Balancers (NLBs). NLBs offer advanced features like connection draining and path-based routing unavailable with Application Load Balancers (ALBs). Analyze NLB access logs and VPC flow logs for insights into network-level issues.

  1. Simulate Traffic with ELB Testing Tools:

AWS provides tools like Siege and Locust for load testing your application through the ELB. Simulate real-world traffic patterns to identify potential bottlenecks or configuration issues before they impact production. Here’s an example command using Siege to send a basic HTTP GET request to your application through an ALB:

siege -c 100 -r 10 http://<your-alb-dns-name>

This command simulates 100 concurrent users sending 10 GET requests each to your application through the specified ALB. Monitor ELB metrics and target instance health during the test to identify any performance issues.

  1. Embrace Automation with CloudWatch Alarms:

Don’t wait for issues to become critical – configure CloudWatch alarms to proactively notify you of potential ELB problems.  Create alarms for metrics like unhealthy target instances, high request latency, or connection errors. Here’s a sample CloudFormation snippet to create a CloudWatch alarm for unhealthy targets in an ELB:




    Type: AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm


      AlarmDescription: "High Percentage of Unhealthy Targets in ELB"

      Namespace: AWS/ElasticLoadBalancing

      MetricName: UnhealthyTargetCount

      Statistic: Average

      Period: 300  # Check average every 5 minutes

      EvaluationPeriods: 2  # Trigger alarm if high for 10 minutes

      Threshold: 2  # Set your desired unhealthy target threshold

      ComparisonOperator: GreaterThanThreshold


        - "arn:aws:sns:REGION:ACCOUNT_ID:YourSNSTopic"  # Replace with your SNS topic ARN

This snippet creates an alarm that triggers if the average number of unhealthy targets in your ELB exceeds 2 for 10 consecutive minutes, notifying you via SNS for further investigation.

Conclusion: Go Beyond the Surface with Advanced ELB Troubleshooting

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  • Kubernetes version 1.20 or later
  • EBPF-enabled kernel version 5.4 or later